Nutrigenomics DNA Testing
DNA testing allows to you see your unique personal genetic health ‘blueprint’.
DNA testing is the ultimate tool in personalised nutrition. Nutrigenomics testing gives you a dietary and lifestyle plan, UNIQUE to you, that is based on your genetics.
Each of us has small but important differences in our genetic make-up, that makes us who we are and can also have significant impact to our health.
Nutrigenomics looks at how nutrition and other lifestyle factors impact our genetic potential. We can’t change our genes, but we can change what we do to support them. Nutrigenomic testing gives us an understanding of how our environment interacts with our genes, so we can make positive changes that align with our genetics and optimise our health and wellbeing.

What can a DNA test tell you?
Depending on your symptoms and goals a DNA test can tell you:
✓ how your body responds to certain nutrients
✓ if you’re predisposed to certain conditions
✓ if you’re more susceptible to
✓ if you require greater amounts of specific nutrients
✓ if you’re predisposed to certain food intolerances
✓ how your body metabolises food
I'm a certified nutrigenomics practitioner with Lifecode Gx®, who are the leading experts in nutrigenomics testing and education.
Lifecode Gx® offers a range of specialist nutrigenomics test panels which will tell you how your nutrition and lifestyle choices impact your genetic potential, so you can make positive changes that align with our genes to optimise health and well being.
Each report can be purchased on it's own or as part of a package. Here are some of my most popular packages:

DNA test kit
Thyroid Balance Report
+ 30 min support call (report analysis & personal recommendations)

DNA test kit
Thyroid Balance Report
Nutrient Core Report
+ 60 min support call (report analysis & personal recommendations)

DNA test kit
Thyroid Balance Report
Hormones Report
+ 60 min support call (report analysis & personal recommendations)

DNA test kit
Thyroid balance Report
Nervous System Report
Methylation Report
Hormone Report
Nutrient Core Report
*You get 1 report free with this package (you only pay for 4)
+ 90 min support call (report analysis & personal recommendations)
How does it work?
- Purchase the test that you want. (If you don't know which ones would be best just send me a message and I'll advise you).
- Book in for your consultation allowing ~5 weeks for the test to be processed and results to be available.
- The test kit will be delivered to your door.
- Do the test - it's easy - you just swab the side of your cheek.
- Sign the consent form.
- Send it back to Lifecode Gx in the return packaging provided.
- You'll get an email when you're results are ready.
- Have your consultation.
- It's that simple!
What is the investment for each report?
The investment for a single test report is €399. Included with each test is the test kit and a support call (report analysis and personalised dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations).
Multiple reports can be purchased depending on your symptoms and health concerns.
- 1 report = €399
- 2 reports = €599
- 3 reports = €899
- 4 reports = €1,049
- 5 reports = €1,199
If you're not sure which reports you need - just ask!
The following reports are available:

Nutrient Core Report
This report examines the key genes and variants involved in aspects of health such as:
food tolerance/intolerance of gluten & dairy, appetite control, blood sugar balance, vitamin and mineral absorption, detoxification ability, circadian rhythm and susceptibility to inflammation and infection.
Nutrient Core will help you understand the fundamental genetic interactions with diet and lifestyle and indicate whether specific functions require further genetic testing. It includes genes that have been shown to affect:
food response - gluten (coeliac) and lactose intolerance
caffeine - sensitivity and metabolism
microbiome - diversity
vitamin need - vitamins A, B9 (folate), B12 (cobalamin), C, D and K
blood pressure - sodium-potassium balance & salt sensitive hypertension
detoxification - glutathione
metabolism - blood sugar control (insulin), appetite (leptin)
inflammation - specific (infection response) and systemic
circadian rhythm - early bird or night owl predisposition

Thyroid Balance Report
Deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones can result in many different symptoms.
Hypothyroidism (underactivity) can cause weight gain, fatigue, low libido, cold intolerance, dry skin, constipation and depression.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (overactivity) include anxiety, heat intolerance, heart palpitations, insomnia and weight loss. The thyroid balance report analyses the genes involved in the thyroid hormone lifecycle – synthesis – (centrally in the thyroid) and in activation in peripheral tissues, transport and metabolism, processing of cofactors (vitamins D and A) and inhibitors (stress and toxins). This report also examines genes that show susceptibility to inflammation and autoimmunity.

Nervous System Report
Examines the genes involved in the nervous systems including - serotonin (contentment),
melatonin (sleep), dopamine (motivation), regulation of cortisol (stress and blood sugar balance), noradrenaline and adrenaline (fight or flight - anxiety, heart palpitations, sweating) and GABA which is critical for calm and relaxation.
Symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalance can include:
mood imbalances, depression, mania, attention deficit and obsessive compulsive disorders, addictive behaviours, motor control disruption, anger, aggression and restlessness.
This report provides detailed recommendations for nutritional support to alleviate symptoms of imbalance and to optimise mental health.

Metabolics Report
The Metabolics Report focuses on genes and genetic variants that play a role in metabolism, energy regulation, longevity and health span.
The comprehensive Metabolics report presents the genes that can powerfully influence key pathways driving human
metabolism. It incorporates over 40 genes and 50 SNPs across 6 pathways, including appetite regulation, nutrient sensing, sugar and fat metabolism, cholesterol and bile, mitochondria and inflammation.

Hormones Report
Symptoms of hormone imbalance can affect men and women, and include:
low libido & sex drive
low sperm count
excess facial hair in women
blood clots
mood swings, depression
substance misuse
poor memory
weight gain
The Hormones Report analyses genes involved in the regulation, synthesis, signalling, transport and metabolism of corticosteroids and sex steroids hormones. It looks at how gene variants affects hormones imbalance and details the nutrients and environmental factors that can influence and improve their balance.
The Hormones report is recommended for men and women with hormone imbalance symptoms such as the ones listed above.

Methylation Report
Methylation is involved in almost every metabolic process in the body, occurring billions of times every second in our cells and contributing to numerous crucial functions.
Imbalances in methylation can increase susceptibility to chronic health conditions such as:
heart disease
circulatory problems
chronic fatigue
immune and autoimmune conditions
food and chemical sensitivities
mood and psychiatric disorders
Results will inform whether someone is likely to be poor or overly efficient at processing cofactors - B6, B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin),
methionine, betaine, choline, zinc and magnesium; and inhibitors - chemicals, moulds, drugs, hormones and heavy metals and provide guidance on how to support or bypass bottlenecks or weaknesses.

Histamine Intolerance Report
Histamine intolerance is the body’s reaction to an imbalance between accumulated
histamine and the capacity to break it down.
When the body is unable to break histamine down quickly enough it becomes toxic.
Symptoms of histamine toxicity may include skin irritation or breathing difficulties (mimicking an allergic reaction), digestive problems, headaches, insomnia and anxiety.
The Histamine Intolerance test analyses the genes and nutrients needed to breakdown and remove histamine, showing where disruptions occur and how to support optimal function.

Detoxification Report
Poor detoxification can cause symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, allergies, skin disorders, weight gain, bloating, acid reflux and heartburn, excessive sweating, chronic infections, subfertility, low libido, poor mental function and low stress tolerance.
This report analyses the genes involved in phase I, II and III detoxification pathways which impact metabolism of alcohol, hormones, caffeine, neurotransmitters, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and other environmental toxins found in smoked or burnt foods, mould, recycled air and exhaust fumes.
Want a different combination of reports than what you see in the packages? No problem, just contact me to ask!
How do I know which report I need?
Contact me and I'll advise which reports will be best for you.
Who can do the reports?
Anyone! They're for women, men and children.
Anyone who wants to know more about their health. Especially if you have a particular condition and you're not feeling better despite being on medication.
How do I do the test?
The DNA test is a simple, non-invasive mouth swab that is easy to do at home.
Just remember to abstain from eating/drinking for at least 1 hour before testing, to ensure the sample is not contaminated with food.
You rub the swab firmly against the inside of your cheek for 1 minute.
Then place the swab back into it's container, sign the consent form and place everything in the packaging provided for return.
Is the test affected by medication?
No. It is not affected by medication, supplements, dietary requirements or pregnancy.
How safe is my data?
Your data is confidential and will be kept securely.
Your sample is anonymous and identified by a bar code.
Your data - including personal data, raw genetic data and reports - is not, and will not be shared or sold to any third party.
Data is destroyed 6 months after analysis.